Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Barack Obama TV ad -Tyler


This commercial was all about Obama. It was saying what he did after collage and all the good things he has done like he signed on as a community organizer with local churches working to help families devastated by plant closings. That was a great thing to do and he is a very nice person. It told us that he would be a good president because he is so smart and they say he will know what to do.

My point of view on the 2008 election

The 2008 election was a very interesting election because Barack Obama is the first African-American president in the United States history. I am disappointed with this election because i would of preferred John McCain to win this election. I don't think Obama will make the right decisions in our war. But McCain was a poisoner of war in Vietnam for 5 years. He knows what to do in a very serious war like ours in Iraq. No offence to African-Americans but a lot of white Americans do not like African-Americans and want to kill them(For example the KKK). I don't think they will want an African-American in charge of their country. Before the election i thought we should defiantly get rid of the Electoral Collage system but after, now, i think we should keep it but tweak it a little bit. By tweaking i mean maybe making the people of the United States to get more involve in it, not just the population of each state.

A couple of days before the election we colored our own maps trying to guess who wins each state. I did pretty good. I got only 5 wrong. They were Florida, Nevada, New Hampshire, Ohio, and Indiana.

- tyler

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Personal reflection, result, and explanation of the electoral maps. By Josh

John McCain is the stronger candidate and should have won. McCain has allot more experience than Barack Obama. For one McCain has been in government for way longer than Barack. If Barack was white he probably would not have won this election. Another reason is that Bush made everyone mad at republicans and everyone thought that McCain would be another Bush. Although McCain would have been a better choice Barack won. If Barack were to have more experience I would not have minded so much when he was elected. I do not blame the Electoral College for this win because it work as usual so my view of it does not change. the electoral college would not have mattered any way because Barack still one the popular vote as well. This leads me to keep my opinion on it.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Gallup Poll by Political Party by Josh


This poll above is based on political party. Democratic voters tend to lean towards Barack but few lean towards McCain. Republican voters lean towards McCain wile some lean towards Barack. Independents are leaning more towards Barack recently and McCain earlier on in the election. During the Democratic convention Democratic voters were for Barack. During the Republican convention Republicans were for McCain. Independents were for Barack in the Democratic convention and McCain during the Republican.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Barack Obama's website, by Josh

When you first type in the address it is hard to get out of the donate page. Also it is very easy to donate because that's what pops up first. Once you are in it is very easy to navigate to issues and media just t name a few. There are useful tabs that help in guiding you through the website. Barack want you to see him in the best light possible and he does a good job of that. He does a good job of stating what he wants to be done and what he will do. There are numerous icons around the boarder that explain how you can travel to battleground states. But over all the web site works smoothly and gets the point across.

McCain's website Review

If you would want to donate to McCain, its not hard at all if you know were you live, your phone number, address, credit card number, your name, state, passport number and all kinds of stuff. All you have to do is scroll to the bottom of the site and click on the icon that says Donate Now. If you click on that you can choose how much you want to donate and all of that info. If you are trying to find information about issues or something it is easy because their is subtitles that you can click on and it goes right to the link.

By Tyler

gallup poll


This Gallup poll was taken on August 25-31, 2008 and it was about who voted for who by age. 18-29 year olds voted 54% for Barack Obama and 37% for John McCain this is because of the democratic convention. 30-49 year olds voted 48% for Obama and 45% for McCain this is because of the democratic convention. 50-64 year olds voted 42% for McCain and 49% for Obama this is because of the democratic convention.. For people that are 65 years or older voted 44% for Obama and 43% for McCain this is because of the democratic convention.

By Tyler Cusack

Sunday, October 26, 2008

McCain Tv ad by Josh

http://www.johnmccain.com/Informing/Multimedia/Player.aspx?guid=7065c77e-6aae-47c2-a04f-01746f5be0b7. This is a poison TV ad made to make Barack look bad and make John look good. This ad says that Obama voted for cutting funds for the military making our troops put at greater risks. also it does not say what John said on the matter. This ad also said that Barack said that he would raid villages and killing innocents. The ad said that Liberal Democrats would be too risky for America.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Education Gallup Poll


This Gallup poll is about the votes of people in high school, in some collage, a collage graduate, and a post graduate person. For the people in high school Obama got 49% of the votes and McCain got 41% of them. for people that are in collage had 49% for Obama and 44% for McCain. Collage grads had 49% of the votes and McCain got 46% of them. For all of the people that are post grads had 58% for Obama and 38% for McCain.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Gallup Poll by Josh

http://www.gallup.com/poll/108022/Candidate-Support-Gender.aspx This poll is on voters by gender. By what this poll says as of June 9 to October 19 females seem to support Barack over McCain. On the other hand males seem to support McCain over Barack. On august 25 through 29 there is a peek in female Obama supporters because of the national convention. Around the 1st - 14 male McCain supporters peeked because of the national convention. Also on June 9Th through the 15Th McCain supporters were not confident with him or Barack because it was early in the election and there were other candidates.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Cartoon By Tyler

This picture is of Sara Palin being stupid. She is cutting down a branch that she is on. This is funny because all of the videos on Saturday Night Live made fun of he for being stupid and this is just showing how stupid she is.

Saturday, October 18, 2008


I fond this on the internet and i thought it was funny. McCain calls Obama that one and obama got everyone but people named Joe. And McCain looks Mad about the "trend" of Approval among men named.... by Josh

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Barack Obama's point of view on taxes

Obama supports eliminating marriage penalty and extending child tax credit. He does not want the elderly paying taxes so he wants to make it $50,000 a year. He wants to eliminate all capital gains taxes on start-ups and small businesses. He wants low income families to receive 50% credit for their child's care expenses. He will ensure that the first $4,000 of a college education is completely free for most Americans. By Tyler

Barack Obama's point of view on Health Care and Economy

Health Care, By Josh

Barack plans to spend 50 to 60 billion on health care by eliminating the bush tax cuts. "Employers that do not offer or make a meaningful contribution to the cost of quality health coverage for their employees will be required to contribute a percentage of payroll toward the costs of the national plan." said Barack. he also does not mandate individual coverage for all Americans, but requires coverage for children. plus allows individuals below age 25 to be covered through their parents' plans. he would also would create a national health insurance program for individuals who do not have employer-provided health care and who do not qualify for other existing federal programs.

Economy, by Josh

He supported the $700 billion Wall Street bailout package and said "America is facing one of the greatest financial crises in history, and today's passage of an emergency rescue plan was absolutely necessary to prevent an economic catastrophe that could have cost millions of jobs and forced businesses across the country into bankruptcy." Also he advocates a $50 billion emergency economic stimulus plan. The money would go toward 1 million jobs for rebuilding infrastructure, schools, helping local governments avoid budget cuts.

John McCain's point of veiw on the issue of Energy and The Environment

Energy and Environment, by Josh

John has called for 45 new nuclear power plants across the U.S. He also has promoted the production of longer lasting car batteries and bio fuels. John also said that we should "drill now" to free us from depending on countries for our oil and fuel. "In a world of hostile and unstable suppliers of oil, this nation will achieve strategic independence by 2025." John McCain. He propose the use of alternative energy sources, including nuclear.

John McCains point of veiw on education and Iraq.

McCain thinks that if a child wants to go to a Private school then the government should pay for it. "We have to have choice and competition in our schools in order to improve our school system." -John McCain. He also thinks that education is the responsibility of the state and the local government. He is part of the no child left behind act.
McCain thinks what we are trying to do in Iraq is an Iraq that can stand on its own and he believes that the American troops have done all they can and do not need to be there any more. He does not want t keep the troops in Iraq for a minute longer. He believes that by 2013 all of the troops should be back home because he thinks that the war is all over and we won it. By Tyler

Friday, October 10, 2008

election 08

Our names are Tyler and Josh and we are doing this blog for the election of 2008. We will be going to up date this about 1 or 2 times a week. we go to the R.A. Nock middle school. We will post information and facts about the presidential candidates and the election.