Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Barack Obama TV ad -Tyler


This commercial was all about Obama. It was saying what he did after collage and all the good things he has done like he signed on as a community organizer with local churches working to help families devastated by plant closings. That was a great thing to do and he is a very nice person. It told us that he would be a good president because he is so smart and they say he will know what to do.

My point of view on the 2008 election

The 2008 election was a very interesting election because Barack Obama is the first African-American president in the United States history. I am disappointed with this election because i would of preferred John McCain to win this election. I don't think Obama will make the right decisions in our war. But McCain was a poisoner of war in Vietnam for 5 years. He knows what to do in a very serious war like ours in Iraq. No offence to African-Americans but a lot of white Americans do not like African-Americans and want to kill them(For example the KKK). I don't think they will want an African-American in charge of their country. Before the election i thought we should defiantly get rid of the Electoral Collage system but after, now, i think we should keep it but tweak it a little bit. By tweaking i mean maybe making the people of the United States to get more involve in it, not just the population of each state.

A couple of days before the election we colored our own maps trying to guess who wins each state. I did pretty good. I got only 5 wrong. They were Florida, Nevada, New Hampshire, Ohio, and Indiana.

- tyler